Small Business Mastery Series


Small Business Mastery Series

Intermediate & Advanced Business Courses

Small Business Mastery Series

Beautiful stylish young woman plus size body positive using lapt

Get ready to take a deep dive into strategies that build a thriving and more profitable business. Whether you are a graduate of our Business Essentials Series or a more experienced owner or manager, the Small Business Mastery Series builds on the foundational skills already in place.

By leveraging this action-oriented format, your work in the Small Business Mastery Series bears fruit quickly. Our courses include cash flow and personal finances, planning and budgeting, sales and culture conversations, DISC and Motivators, personal goal setting, and emotional intelligence and leadership training.

Also, consider sending key management or staff to build their already strong skill set. Invest in your people and invest in your growth!

Achieve Success in Your Small Business

Mastery Courses for Your Small Business

CEO woman leading strategic planning session.

Blueprint & Growth Mastery: Strategic Planning & Budgeting

Learn how to forecast sales and create a budget, all while utilizing a 6-week cash flow forecast. We will also touch on how to design and implement KPI Dashboards. Walk away with a 1-year strategic plan and feel more confident in your future.

Bank savings deposit and cash flow management mobile software app.

Cash Flow Mastery

Understand the difference between a company’s profit and cash position, while learning how to analyze the three key financial statements. We’ll take an in-depth look at your income statement, introduce KPI’s, and teach you ways to increase sales, profits, and cash flow.

Personality Test or Assessment Form

Team Mastery

Through our DISC & Motivators workshop, you will learn how to create a high performing team,  “read” others’ communication styles while adapting your own to best fit the situation. We will talk through how to understand your employee’s motivator perspectives, as well as recognize your own drivers and fears.

Customer service executive working at office

Sales & Customer Services Mastery

By addressing the six key steps in the sales conversation, you will gain confidence in sales and customer service. Learn how to construct the perfect sales presentation, explore five key sales skills, and craft quality questions while uncovering potential client needs, wants, wounds, and desires.
Two cheerful colleagues shaking hands and smiling while having a meeting in the modern office.

Leadership Mastery

This program discusses the 15 components of emotional intelligence. You’ll learn how to empower your leadership team, identify areas of improvement, discuss key principles of leadership, and set personal goals and standards for yourself while creating a vision for your life and business. Become a true leader today!
HR director welcoming female applicant and shaking hands in contemporary office.

Hiring and Interviewing Mastery

In this team-focused workshop, we will give you tips on interviewing and hiring the right employees, as well as address the best ways to give performance feedback to bring the best out of your team. We’ll also review key principles to ensure a healthy culture with great communication so you can attract and retain top talent.

Woman entering finances into a calculator.

Self Mastery: Personal Finances & Being your Best You! 

Let’s dig into business vs. personal finances. We’ll help you understand the difference between earnings and net worth, good debt vs. bad debt, appreciating and depreciating assets, as well as budgeting. Learn how to manage and grow your personal wealth, creating success outside of your business.

Explore More University Programs – Now Offered Online!

Today’s digital era and remote workforce call for a flexible solution. EWH University now offers online courses to allow you to learn at your own time and pace. Explore our course catalog and register for your next program today.

Small Business Courses in the Milwaukee Area

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