Gratitude Questions: A Roadmap to transform Upset into Gratitude

We cannot be grateful and in pain at the same time. Learning how to transform our upset into empowerment is key to success and fulfillment. The following are questions that lead to improving your situation or realizing how much you already have! Turning our fear, insecurity or upset into power! The insight below is a collection of insights I learned from Tony Robbins to serve as your roadmap to transform upset into gratitude. 


Understanding where you are at?  

Check in with yourself? Be honest and real with yourself.  This isn’t always easy, but it is worthy it! 

  • What am I focusing on?  
  • What am I making this mean? Is it empowering or disempowering, resourceful or unresourceful?  
  • Is that causing me to be upset, or uncertain? Or Empowered and certain?  
  • Who are you when you think about this? Is that how you want to feel? 
  • Am I blaming others, making excuses, or in denial regarding something I need to shift?  
  • Even if I am not at fault, what was my role, how can I own my communication 100% what I can do even better next time?  
  • What can I shift to improve the situation? Not make the situation perfect, perfection is the lowest standard there is for it prevents us from starting and finishing in fear we will never be good enough.  
  • Better is better, even if at the most it is not the best, it is still progress, and with those intentions we are always stiving to be our best!  
  • One step at a time and when needed one big leap of faith at a time! 


Blame into Acknowledgement 

If we are to blame something or someone for all the bad, we must also acknowledge it for the good that came of it. As Steve Job’s said, “We can’t always connect the dots looking forward we can only connect them looking backwards.” The biggest challenges or people in our life when learned from make us the strongest. We all love the comeback story and the story of the one that through all odds came out the other side. Therefore, if something is unresolved, a new meaning for you could be it just means you are about to become that much stronger.  


Helpful Reminders/Emotional Resources 

When we are struggling breaking through, we must remember it is still not the end, we are only temporarily stuck and no matter how much we talked ourselves into it being a permanent, pervasive problem that relates to you personally. And if you find yourself frustrated or confused remember frustration means you’re about to have a breakthrough, and confusion means you’re about to learn something! Stay open, and in a state of positive anticipation, we create the space for new opening in our lives. If you ever want to hear a story about hardship and turnaround Oprah Winfrey is a great one!  The good, the great, the beauty, the gratitude come from us finding an empowering meaning even during all that. We all go through different seasons and it is our responsibility to find the meaning and learning to help us grow, become more, and give more along this lifelong journey together. Remember if we are not growing, we are dying!  


The Roadmap to Empowerment! 

When ever something happens are brains immediately out of their desire to protect us decides of  

  • What is it I am going focus on?  
  • Is it on what you can or cannot control?  
  • Have or do not have?  
  • Present moment or Past or future?  
  • What am I going make this mean? 
  • What am I going do?  


Asking these questions can turn our upset into gratitude and create a highway to gratitude!  


Questions to build your bridge and lift you to a higher purpose and meaning. 

  • How do you want to feel instead? What would you need to believe for that to be true and feel that way?  
  • What else could be true? What else could this mean? What could their positive intent really be?  
  • If you cannot find an empowering meaning? Does it mean you are hooked on your story?  
  • If so, does that mean you really need to reflect on what’s preventing you from finding their positive intent?  
  • Would an outside perspective be helpful to find their positive intent? How do you think they feel? 
  • If you’re taking it personally, how can you realize it is not about me, but WE? Remember all pain is when we are focused on ourselves. When we are serving something beyond ourselves our pain disappears.  
  • How might they have perceived this? How else can I perceive it?  
  • Is that new perception/belief positive about self, others/team, the future and the mission?  
  • On a scale from 1-10 how positive is it? What else have to a happen to make it even more empowering?  
  • How can this make you stronger? How will this make you smarter and better in the future?  
  • What learning and experience do you now have to a apply to your future?  
  • What else could you believe to learn even more, and make it even more empowering?  


A New Destination, and a New Destiny?  

Now, how do you feel?  What do you believe and what will you do from this place of empowerment? Does it lead to a new empowering destination for you, others, the future, and the mission?  

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