Finish the Year As Strong As You Started

Two cheerful colleagues shaking hands and smiling while having a meeting in the modern office.

Did you know there are a little under 90 days left for the rest of the year? That means there are only 3 months left of reaching your goals for 2019 before the new year rolls around. The new year is always exciting and the drive to set and achieve goals is a natural change, like the seasons. It is easy to look a year ahead and layout what is to be accomplished but have you ever thought about how important it is to finish the last 3 months of the year as strongly as the first?


Why do we set goals? Goal setting is extremely important for our mental well-being. This does not mean just in business or work but also in our personal lives. By setting a goal, it is giving a centric purpose or path to move in. This allows for the organization of projects and plans. There are some main pieces to remember when setting your goals. 


When setting your goals for the last 90 days of the year remember to follow these simple guidelines the goal you are writing down should be:

  • Tangible in the timeframe given
  • Measurable
  • Specific

There are 3 months left in the year, so make sure your goal is something that is truly attainable in that amount of time.


 Your goal should also be measurable. This is great for the mental aspect of goal setting. Have you ever written yourself a to-do list, and felt the joy that comes from checking off items on that this? This is the same feeling you should get on the 1st of the year, knowing that you attained your measurable goal. Another way to look at measuring your goal is by looking at a personal goal of drinking 50oz of water every single day. You could measure your goal of drinking the water by tallying each ounce you were to drink in a planner. You see the gratification in drinking those ounces each day and will boost the positivity in your brain. 


The last portion of setting the goal is the most important out of all of them. Be extremely specific in your wording. Take the earlier example of the ounces of water. The goal was “I will drink 50oz of water every single day.” I did not say that I will just drink more water daily. That specificity will be able to keep you on track with each and every goal that you set.


 What goals are you going to set for the next 90 days? Every single person is different, and finding what works best for you is important. Write down your tangible goals and journal what is difficult and different ways to conquer the roadblocks. Once you reach that goal, you will feel so much appreciation and gratitude for yourself. Your business and personal well being will be extremely benefited. Attitude is everything. Push for a strong finish to the year. Finishing just as strong as you started will set you up for even better goal setting in the new year. 


If you need help reaching your goals or even setting them EWH University offers a variety of options from one on one coaching sessions and strategy sessions to our essentials workshop series. To register for a workshop go view our Live Events or contact Kelsi at 262-923-7854.


EWH has been in business for 40 years. EWH is the leader in small business accounting, helping clients not only manage their numbers but also educating on how to be successful financially. EWH’s University is the standard in education for small business owners, giving the owners the confidence to make smarter business decisions. 


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