Motivators in Action: Hiring, Workplace & Teams

Motivators in Action: Hiring, Workplace & Teams


It can be challenging to understand why our friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers make certain decisions, particularly when those decisions seem flawed or self-defeating. The way in which we make decisions can either bring us closer together, create challenges, or even pull us apart.

In the constantly changing times we live in, we have to account for a myriad of different demands: technology, lifestyle, labor, and ever-evolving social norms. The key to capitalizing on these changes is to understand the Motivators Model and the reasons people do what they do. There are six main reasons people do what they do, and understanding these differences is key to integrating the Motivator Model for high performing teams. This will allow you to anticipate challenges with team members in advance, as well as help better understand where to start with relationship building.

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Understand your own and others’ motivator perspectives
  • Recognize the impact your motivators have on your decision making
  • Identify the values and perspectives of others
  • Understand the natural challenges between Motivators
  • Bridge the difference when challenges occur
  • Appreciate each other’s differences
  • Understand the value and results that each Motivator brings to the team
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