Mastery Implementation and Momentum Coaching

Mastery Implementation and Momentum Coaching

Potential Coaching Packages 

Numbers in parentheses are typically the number of sessions included in package. Based on business size and dynamics some need less or more depending on needs.

Cash Flow and Growth
•Strategic Planning (1-2)
•Strategic Execution and Time Management (1-2)
•Financial Reviews (1-3)
•Break-Even Analysis (1)
•Budgeting & Cash Flow Projections (2-4)
•Sales & Cash Flow Forecasting (2-4)
•Loan Ready (3-4)

Team, Hiring, and DISC
•Team, Hiring, and Interviewing (3)
•DISC Debriefs, Partner/Comparison Debriefs, TeamDebriefs (1 Each)
•DISC Leadership Mastery (Ask for More info)
•DISC Certification (Ask for More info)
Leadership, Sales, Customer Service
•Leadership Conversations: Feedback & ConflictResolution (3)
•Leadership Communication Tools (3)
•Sales (3) & Lead Generation (3) Conversations
•Customer Service Conversation (3)

•Emotional Intelligence, Myers Briggs, Coping/Thriving with Stress (1 Each)
•Ongoing Coaching, Momentum, and Self Mastery (Monthly or Bi-Monthly Recommended)
•Annual and Quarterly Retreats for Owners, and Leadership Teams

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